Hi everyone 👋 I’m jumping into the #aprilforartists2020 challenge a number of days late so am going to try get up-to-speed by combining a few of the prompts in multiple posts.
Prompt 1: an introduction
Prompt 2: my creative space.
Hi. My name is Kim, I live in Ontario, Canada (it was actually snowing this morning 😑) and I’m a painter. I went to school back in the day for illustration (major: children’s picture book, minor: advertising) and have very fond memories of art school 🥰I’ve worked in graphic design, painted plein air, been a daily painter, and now work primarily as an abstract painter! I adore colour, design, fonts, and art in a million forms. Away from the studio I love to do all sorts of creative things 🧡 I also love baking, reading, hiking, and embroidering.
Chips or cookies? Usually cookies.
Coffee or tea? Coffee.
Favourite shows right now: Ozark season 3 was 😮👏 and have just started Money Heist.
Music: Well, I do love me some Leonard Cohen. 🥰
Books: What is the allowable word count on an Instagram post? 😭 Yeah, I could talk books for hours so feel free to leave comments 😉📚
So that’s my super quick intro.
And as for my studio space, here is a shot of my table. Hard to get a cool shot of my studio but I’ll see what I can do for a later post.
Anyway, nice chatting with you all and please feel free to introduce yourself in comments!
#aprilorartists2020 #artchallenge #kimrempelart