Wednesday, April 22, 2020

18. Tip or advice: paint, paint, paint. Persevere. Always be curious. 
19. Artist outfit: old jeans, t-shirts + hoodie, 10 year old painting apron. 
20. Challenge you’ve faced: Having engaging social media accounts when you are a private person! 🙈😂
21. Colour palette: ^pic 1^

#kimrempelart #artistchallenge #colourpalette

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

#aprilforartists2020 challenge Day 15: Art on the wall.
Here’s a recent painting of mine called “At Ease”. It’s 36x48in, oil on panel, $2400. Available at Canvas Gallery in Toronto. Yep! Even now. 👌 Canvas just moved into a new space and from what I can see online it looks spectacular. Sales are still happening so if you’re interested, hop on over to their page and give them a call!

#interiors #freshpaintings #blue #modernart #abstractart #canadianart #kimrempelart #toronto

Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 10-13. Caught up on the challenge.
10 - Main inspo: Nature!
11 - On your table: Books
12 - Side job/ other life: I do have a very small other job. I’m at sensory panelist at a research station. But it is only 1.5hrs a week. What I love to do on the side though is BAKE! The last picture is the Yule log I made last Christmas. 🥰
13 - Work in progress. Actually just starting the process so all I would have to show is a gessoed board ; ) Boring.

#aprilforartists2020 created by #phoebeganderart

Covering days 6-9 of the #aprilforartists2020 challenge.  6. How you learnt: I went to art school (Sheridan College) for 4  years, took multiple courses at Dundas Valley School of Art and workshops with @carolmarine, Laurie Wonfor Nolan and most recently @nelsonpainter. It’s a life-long process. 👊
7. Favourite tool: my power sander 
8. Selfie
9. Close up detail. 
#kimrempelart #process #studiolife #abstractart

Friday, April 10, 2020

Prompts 4 & 5 for the #aprilforartists2020 challenge are (4) your preferred media and (5) in your hand.
I am loving my R&F oil sticks. I learned about them in my workshop with @nelsonpainter in Woodstock, NY this summer. Game changer!
And the second picture is a chocolate chip cookie from a batch I made last night. A new recipe showed up in my feed so I gave them a whirl. Pretty delicious. 🍪 @andyseastcoastkitchen_ 
#kimrempelart #aprilforartists #art #r&foilsticks

*Newest work* is Prompt 3 for the #aprilforartists2020 challenge by #phoebeganderart. Jumping in late so playing catch up over the next few days. Not sure if this one is finished yet, but today this is where it stands 👌 36x36in / oil on panel
#kimrempelart #abstractpainting #canadianart #contemporary #colourful

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hi everyone 👋 I’m jumping into the #aprilforartists2020 challenge a number of days late so am going to try get up-to-speed by combining a few of the prompts in multiple posts.
Prompt 1: an introduction 
Prompt 2: my creative space.

Hi. My name is Kim, I live in Ontario, Canada (it was actually snowing this morning 😑) and I’m a painter. I went to school back in the day for illustration (major: children’s picture book, minor: advertising) and have very fond memories of art school 🥰I’ve worked in graphic design, painted plein air, been a daily painter, and now work primarily as an abstract painter! I adore colour, design, fonts, and art in a million forms. Away from the studio I love to do all sorts of creative things 🧡 I also love baking, reading, hiking, and embroidering.
Chips or cookies? Usually cookies.
Coffee or tea? Coffee. 
Favourite shows right now: Ozark season 3 was 😮👏 and have just started Money Heist. 
Music: Well, I do love me some Leonard Cohen. 🥰
Books: What is the allowable word count on an Instagram post? 😭 Yeah, I could talk books for hours so feel free to leave comments 😉📚
So that’s my super quick intro. 
And as for my studio space, here is a shot of my table. Hard to get a cool shot of my studio but I’ll see what I can do for a later post.
Anyway, nice chatting with you all and please feel free to introduce yourself in comments! 

#aprilorartists2020 #artchallenge #kimrempelart

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.
~Helen Keller 

Sending a huge collective shout out of love and respect to all the essential service workers and innovators during this challenging time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Well, I managed to focus and get an underpinning to my next painting done. My husband suggested I shut off my radio (heavy CBC listener here) and play only music. This did help. 😉 I actually got further than this today but will save that post for tomorrow.
I’ve been finding I’m productive in some areas: baking, embroidering, cleaning and yard work but useless when it comes to focusing on painting. Hopefully I’ve turned that around today. 

How’s everyone else out there faring?