Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've got to start finding titles...

This is another one I've been working on. I've got to start naming these so my posts have more captivating titles : ) Below is what it looked like at an earlier stage, for those who like to see process/progress. And below that are two details. Thanks for reading!
 an earlier stage of above painting

Monday, April 23, 2012

work in progress + a very clever spouse

Here's another piece I've been working on. At this point I've just stepped back and am spending some time looking at it...letting it soak in. There are always a few points in the process where I really don't know how far to push it. I've had a few of those moments with this painting, but then while contemplating have put my brush on the canvas and made a mark before I realized what I was doing. That's one wat to commit myself to go further ; ) 
At one point I called my husband over to get his opinion and (bless him) he just kindly said "I really can't comment as I just don't understand abstracts". Now there's a man who knows his wife ; )
acrylic on stretched canvas

Friday, April 20, 2012


This is the fourth abstract in the new series I'm working on. This one gave me the most trouble >: I (but it was worth it in the end).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New work: updated, not quite done

This is the piece I showed yesterday. Still plugging away but getting there!
acrylic on canvas.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New abstract - work in progress

I'm still fighting a crummy head cold so I haven't been making much progress, but here's a quick glimpse of my new abstract.
p.s. thanks for the lovely comments on the white oak painting! So kind ; )

Sunday, April 15, 2012

White oak - finished!

Still searching for a title, but it's done! I loved every minute of painting this tree.
36"x36" / acrylic on stretched canvas

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Workshop dates!

I'm very happy to be teaming up with The Good Earth again this year for 5 outdoor painting workshops. For those that have never been, the day runs from 10am-4pm. We begin the morning with a chat and demo. After that people are free to find a site on the property and begin painting. Lunch is served at 1pm. The menu is a choice of delicious mains with a glass of Good Earth wine followed by a sumptious dessert and a cup of French-pressed coffee or tea. After that we head outdoors again and continue painting. Individual instruction is offered. At the end of the day we meet and discuss our pieces. Not much painting experience? No problem! Last year we welcomed the full range: from people who'd never picked up a paint brush to working artists. Come and enjoy the outdoors, good food and good people!
All workshops take place on a Friday. Please call The Good Earth to register. See you then!
Cost is $85 (+HST).
May 25, 2012
June 22, 2012
July 27, 2012
August 24, 2012
September 14, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New work

Finally....a post! You know you'd better get back at it when your Mom calls to see if you're okay (love you Mom!). Yep. All is well here. A long weekend + forcing myself to stay home and do my taxes + forgetting my camera yesterday = long time no post!
This is acrylic, 11"x14" stretched canvas. Another piece in my abstract series. I'm basing this series around seasons. This afternoon I began a darker piece - think "storm" - and it is proving to be quite the challenge! Haven't quite figured out why but when I make a breakthrough I'll let you know.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oak tree, work in progress

So here is the oak tree after working on it today. When I first got there it was a bit windy which was making things difficult, but just then my friend stopped by with a coffee and pastry (!) so we had a good art chat while waiting out the wind. My two concerns were getting back in the zone after Monday, and wanting to add more depth and texture to the tree without getting too tight. It's that thing of knowing when to stop. I'd say the tree is basically done, now it's the ground to finish up. Below is a detail.
acrylic on stretched canvas, 36" square.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Work in progress + plein air can be hazardous to your health

...if you are a bee. More on that at the end of the post.
Today was finally a beautiful sunny day (after SNOW on Friday) with minimal wind. So out I went to continue work on the tree painting I began a couple of weeks ago. I still have more to do but here it is so far. What a great day to be outside!
 A bee - attracted to the bright colours of paint I assume - landed on my palette, smack in the middle of a wet blob of paint. Paint got on its wings and legs. It looked pretty weighed down and was having trouble flying off the palette. So I held a twig to it's legs which it crawled up on and transported it to a forsythia bush.
Here's a picture of said bee decked out with some cad red and titanium white. Good luck little bee!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New work - Kim Rempel

Here is my next new painting. I can't tell you how deeply excited I feel when I've been painting this past week. At risk of sounding trite, I just have to say I feel like something is unlocking as I'm painting. I feel an uncertain rush yet at the same time deep satisfaction. I wonder if this is something I can hold on to?
Below is my finished painting from last Wednesday.