Friday, January 31, 2020

I’m very happy to be a part of the Small Works show at @petroffgallery 
The exhibit opens tomorrow and runs for the month of February. It’s a wonderful time to pop in and purchase affordable, original art! 
Below are a few of the paintings that will be available. 😊 Petroff Gallery is located at 1016 Eglinton Ave. West, Toronto.

#smallworks #originalart #contemporaryart #petroffgallery #toronto #interiors #artforsale #

Thursday, January 30, 2020

New work!
Lots of texture, loads of colour. 🥰 Below, two details.
Presently untitled / 42x42in / 106x106cm / oil on panel.
#modernart #contemporaryart #oilpainting #texture #colourful #interiors #interiordesign #interiordesigncanada #toronto #niagara #artistofinstagram #kunst #kunstwerke #peinture

Monday, January 27, 2020

Last month I cut some holly from my parents’ yard for bringing indoors. This sprig is just past it’s prime but lovely all the same. 
#watercolour #holly #sketch #kimrempelart

Friday, January 24, 2020

Yo. All business over here 💪 Sometimes ya just need a sander. 
#dewalt #therighttoolforthejob #studiolife #oilpainting #contemporaryart #canadianartist #artforsale #kimrempelart

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Outside it’s all January but inside it’s May 🌺🌞🌱

#studio #colour #spring #watercolour #painting #artist #kimrempelart

Sunday, January 19, 2020

ARTLOVE - Jeff Riffle

Today I’m highlighting the work of Jeff Riffle. Jeff and I met last summer as exhibitors at the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair and I was immediately taken with his work. Note: Because of IG’s parameters the cuckoo clock images are cropped. Please go to Jeff’s page @jeffriffleart to see the full images!
Please tell me:
1. A favourite work of art: January 30: Blustery with rain spreading east, turning wintery over northern hills. 2004
8”x6” by Ben McLaughlin 
2. An artist you love: 
CJ Hendry
3. A great book: The Gentleman Bastards Series by Scott Lynch
4. A favourite snack: 
Jif Peanut Butter
5. Where would you next like to travel? Southeast Asia
6. Something new you’d like to learn: I’d like to learn a new language, specifically Spanish or pottery and the potters wheel. •
Thank you Jeff! 
1) Peonies / 4’x6’ / Acrylic on canvas
2) Caladium Sunset / 36”x36” / Acrylic on canvas
3) Nasturtium in Orange and Pink / 36”x46” / Acrylic on canvas
4) Clocked Out, 5:05pm / 4’x5’ / Acrylic on canvas
5) Spring Time / 36”x48” / Acrylic on canvas

#jeffriffleart #artlove #artlovequiz #toaf #originalart #yourlifeneedsart #kimrempelart

Thursday, January 16, 2020

So last week I wrote about making a few changes here and taking the time to draw again. I’d really been missing it. 👉 Here’s a watercolour sketch of my amaryllis. I got this at our local flower market @thewateringcan before the holidays. It was a cool find–they sold the bulbs on a wire stand and apparently they don’t need water or soil to bloom. Everything they require is in the bulb! Living proof 😊 It grew and bloomed beautifully.
Watercolour on terraskin paper
#watercoloursketch #terraskin #illustration #flowers #botanical #kimrempelart #amaryllis 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Holiday / 36x36” / oil on panel.
I shared a few details of this painting on my last post. As you can see, not much of it remains ; ) But one thing informs another so in a way, all the marks I made led to the final outcome. 
#contemporaryart #contemporarypainting  #modernart #abstractart #abstractpainting #freshcolour #kimrempelart #originalart #yourlifeneedsart #interiors #toronto #originalart 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Looking a little wild now but early days. At this point I always wonder how many turns it will take before it’s done. Will I be able to make something of it? How much hair-pulling will ensue? 😂More often than not they end up looking completely different. Completely. #problemsolving
#wip #abstractart #contemporaryart #oilpainting 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

For 2020 I’ve decided to make a few changes to what I post on my accounts. Over the years I have let my drawing slide and I really want to get back into sketching, as well as some watercolour/acrylic sketches/paintings. Back in the day I graduated from college with a book illustration major and although I love painting I also enjoy illustrating! 
I used to have so much angst about posting “different styles” and “branding” etc (yada yada, yada) and now I’m just saying To.Heck.With.It. I am taking a page out of @mrtomfroese ‘s book and posting “what you love, when you are able, as often as you feel like it, and don’t worry about it.” ✌️
In addition to that, I will also regularly be posting shout-outs to artists I enjoy and sharing the love. 🖤 Those will be called ARTLOVE (continuing the idea I started on this blog 10 years ago). 
So, here I go! Here are some feathers I picked up on a hike with my daughter. 
#sketching #drawing #feathers #kimrempelart