Today I’m highlighting the work of Jeff Riffle. Jeff and I met last summer as exhibitors at the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair and I was immediately taken with his work. Note: Because of IG’s parameters the cuckoo clock images are cropped. Please go to Jeff’s page @jeffriffleart to see the full images!
Please tell me:
1. A favourite work of art: January 30: Blustery with rain spreading east, turning wintery over northern hills. 2004
8”x6” by Ben McLaughlin
2. An artist you love:
CJ Hendry
3. A great book: The Gentleman Bastards Series by Scott Lynch
4. A favourite snack:
Jif Peanut Butter
5. Where would you next like to travel? Southeast Asia
6. Something new you’d like to learn: I’d like to learn a new language, specifically Spanish or pottery and the potters wheel. •
Thank you Jeff!
1) Peonies / 4’x6’ / Acrylic on canvas
2) Caladium Sunset / 36”x36” / Acrylic on canvas
3) Nasturtium in Orange and Pink / 36”x46” / Acrylic on canvas
4) Clocked Out, 5:05pm / 4’x5’ / Acrylic on canvas
5) Spring Time / 36”x48” / Acrylic on canvas
#jeffriffleart #artlove #artlovequiz #toaf #originalart #yourlifeneedsart #kimrempelart