Fresh sliced cukes with salt. Perfect summer snack! They are in abundance right now. I make dill pickles and a simple cucumber salad with salt, vinegar and a teensy bit of sugar - how do you prepare them? Any suggestions welcome!!
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75
Excellente peinture... J'aime.
une de mes recettes concernant le concombre :
J'épluche les concombres.
Pendant ce temps, je fais bouillir de l'eau dans une grosse casserole.
Je coupe les concombres en rondelles fines, de moins de 5 mn d'épaisseur.
Je mets les rondelles de concombres dans l'eau bouillante et je les fais cuire au moins 20 minutes. Je sale.
Plus les concombres seront cuits plus ils seront fondants.
Je prépare une béchamel.
Je procède ainsi :
Je fais fondre le beurre sur feu doux puis j'ajoute la farine. J'obtiens une crème. Je verse alors le lait petit à petit en remuant sans cesse. Je fais épaissir sur feu moyen. Je sale et je poivre. Hors du feu je rajoute la crème fraîche et le fromage.
Je mets les concombres dans un plat à gratin et je recouvre de sauce béchamel. Je n'hésite pas à mélanger les concombres et la sauce, je sale et je poivre de nouveau. Je recouvre en pluie d'un peu de fromage et d'une grosse pincée de noix de muscade.
Je fais gratiner au four 200°C pendant 15 minutes environ.
(Pour la béchamel, je prévois : 50g de beurre + 3 cuillère à soupe de farine + 1/2 litre de lait et un peu de crème fraîche)
Et vous verrez hum c'est très bon.
Merci beaucoup Martine!! I've never heard of cucumbers this way - I'll have to give it a try. Here's Martine's recipe translated so that others can enjoy. This was done using Google Translate, so bear with me!
Excellent paint ... I.
one of my recipes on the cucumber
I peel the cucumbers.
During this time, I boil some water in a large saucepan.
I cut the cucumbers into thin slices, less than 5 nm thick.
I put the cucumber slices in boiling water and I bake at least 20 minutes. I dirty.
More cucumbers are cooked they will be more melting.
I prepare a bechamel.
I do so:
I melt the butter over low heat, then add the flour. I get a cream. I then poured the milk gradually, stirring constantly. I thicken over medium heat. I am dirty and I pepper. Off the heat I add the cream and cheese.
I put the cucumbers in a dish and I covered with white sauce. I do not hesitate to mix the cucumbers and the sauce, I and I pepper dirty again. I cover in rain a little cheese and a pinch of nutmeg.
I broil in oven 200 ° C for 15 minutes.
(For the bechamel, I predict: + 50g butter 3 tbsp flour + 1 / 2 liter of milk and a little cream)
And you'll hum it's very good.
I like the translation...it sounds like poetry..."I cover in rain a little cheese"
Your painting is great. I love the composition--the way the knife and the edges of the mat intersect the sides of the picture is very interesting. Nice subtle colors, also. Very nice.
Kim, this composition and painting are fantastic!
verging on abstract ...
I going to accept the suggestion, never added sugar in cucumber!
come try!
Love all the angles in this. Those cukes look so refreshing!
Here in Texas we slice them thin, toss in some thin sliced sweet onions ( and occasionally, tomatoes), then mix them with vinegar, sugar and water for a refreshing salad. Salt optional.
Great piece Kim - tinge of cubism. And with the image angled, doesn't appear as a square - very nice!
Ever eat a cucumber sandwich?
I'm off to the farmer's market RIGHT NOW to buy some cukes! In our family we slice cucumbers rather thinly and put them in a bowl of water with a goodly splash of vinegar, and a dash of salt. Stick it in the fridge, and when you come in the house, dying of the heat and humidity - just open the fridge and pop a few of these in your mouth! MMmmMmm!
Love the composition in this one - and those greens!
Kim, Love the combination of shapes and values in this painting. Wonderful!
Darn, I wish I could speak French!!
These look great and remind me of my favorite cuke dish from our childhood, sliced cukes in buttermilk, remember that one???
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