Monday, January 3, 2011

Vino trio - SOLD

My internet went down on New Year's Eve and I've just got it back up and running now. Technical glitches - gotta deal with 'em. In one way it was a good break to be completely offline, but I did have moments of withdrawal. Online searches are quickly habit-forming, as is checking email, news updates etc... It felt a little weird not to have access.
But enough of that. Happy New Year to all! Hoping everyone one is in good health, a good frame of mind and that your loved ones are well. I've painted one of my favourite subjects to start January off. Not that it's wine bottles per se, rather coloured glass. It's just that all my coloured glass seems to come in this form.
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75


Kathy Cousart said...

Glad to see you starting out the year with a favorite thing for you to paint. That is what part of this is about, right? Love this and especially the center bottle with the reflections and shadows...
I now have 3 cool bottles in my studio to paint...just have to get up the nerve! These are hard to follow.
Great job and happy 2011 to you.

Linda Popple said...

I can see why you enjoy painting these bottles. Great job with the glass and reflections. I like your composition, too.

Happy New Year!

Barbara Muir said...

Happy New Year! Beautiful colour and light.

I'm going to meet you soon!!!


martinealison said...

Le contenu est certainement excellent et le contenant est aussi exceptionnel grâce à vous ma chère Kim !
Vous réussissez toujours à merveille avec les bouteilles de vin... Les couleurs et les lumières se marient bien ensemble.
Bisous continuez à nous enivrer...

Catherine Jeffrey said...

Love your wine bottles (I mean colored glass) Such great reflections and that bright red that pops out.

Virginia Floyd said...

I love your bottle paintings! This one is very successful. Great composition and great reflections on the table!
Coincidentally, I painted bottles yesterday too. But it's so cloudy I couldn't get a good picture.

Mermaid's Palette said...

Very nice, Kim! You did a great job with the reflections and shine.

Sandra Busby said...

Another masterpeice! Happy New-Year to you too!