Sunday, September 6, 2009

Feminine Plane

Happy long weekend everyone!! For those readers new to this blog, Sundays I take the day off and post a larger piece previously painted, most often from my website ( Today it is Feminine Plane. This was painted at Mount Mary in Ancaster and has been in an exhibit at the Fieldcote Museum all summer. I did this piece in March. The snow was melting and the ground beginning to thaw. The air was still chilly and damp but I wasn't dealing with a freezing arse and numb fingers. Ah, memories of painting in winter ; ) Anyway, there was a reverent feeling on the grounds and it was quite a mystical place to paint. I was traipsing over the grounds, looking for the moment when something would hit me, and then spied on the top of a hill a wonderful ring of plane trees. Wow! When I got up close there was one in particular that gave me a jolt. It was reminiscent of a dancing woman - skirt flowing in a twirl. Graceful and lovely.
24" x 24" / acrylic on canvas

1 comment:

Art by Katalin said...

Oh trees..I love trees and constantly taking pictures of them everywhere I go... always seeing something in them :)
This is the colours you used and I can really see the graceful dancing woman!