Sorry about the repeat everyone! We've had one of those busy summer weekends with family visiting from out-of-province. It's been a lot of eating and catching up and fun stories, but not much painting time! You may wonder why I bother repeating a painting instead of just skipping a post. Well, for those people that have signed up to receive my paintings every morning in their inbox, I guess I just feel like they should get a piece of mail every day! Even if it's been previously viewed : )
Kim, thanks to me!
because I did not know that your painting.
very very cool!
I loved the expression on his face, hat ... everything!
Nothing wrong with repeats of great paintings and the words are always good.
I remember this one, and its a joy to see it again!
Good thinking, I'll consider that too! I love this for it's blocked shapes and 3-D feel along with her expression...good job
I love this painting, so I am very happy to see it again. :) I can't get enough of her expression, you did it so perfect!
Well, I'm new to your blog, Kim, so this isn't a repeat for me.
This particular painting almost reminds me of a graphic novel illustration for some reason.
Like a simple, illustrative sketch!
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