Shoes again! I was missing them ; ) This sparkling little number belongs to my sister - isn't it the best? They are sequined and beaded and remind me of an exotic slipper. Very, very pretty. You could put these on with a paper bag and feel glamourous : )
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75
LOVE the name of your blog! Your work is gorgeous.
oooh love those sparkles!
Yea! I love the shoes & was missing them! Not that I could wear this snappy little heel, but isn't it delicious?
What a luscious shoe.
The sequins and beads feel like they are popping right out at us!
Nice work Kim - bring on the paper bag!
Really captured the sequins well Kim! Sparkly little pumps I would love to own.
Lovely painting. A set of these will look so effective in a dressing room or bedroom!
Interesting and nice pictures and an excellent blog. I like very much your work.
All looking fotoblog Teuvon images
and yours comments thanks
He, he! Paper bag indeed :) This is probably my very favorite of your shoe paintings. I just can't get enough of your style Kim, it's so fabulous. Every stroke is sure and strong and beautiful.
I love this one :)
WOW! Very fancy! Great job on the composition which is so energetic and is perfect for this shoe! I like the sparkles, too. Well done!
This is a gorgeous shoe. The beading shimmers and sparkles next to the burgundy fabric... yes, very exotic.
Kim, WOW!!! I don't know what I want more..this little gem or a pair of these most elegant shoes. well done!
This shoe is so glamorous. The mind starts thinking about taking a spin on the dance floor or visiting the opera.
wow! how wonderful!
this is also 'the object of desire'
a true gem!
paint flawless!
hugs ;))
Hellooo from Greece Στάλες στο γαλάζιο team blog!!
Very nice post i like very much,i follow U...
Come with me in Στάλες στο γαλάζιο !!!
Elegant, and like the others I want these too
A "gem" of a painting. Looks like I'll have to fight Dana over these.
I think this is the shoe they would use for an updated version of The Wizard of Oz....don´t you...
Gorgeous rendering of it too...against the blue background.
Cynthia Schelzig
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