A photo from the show today. The display racks my husband made turned out beautifully! They are
perfect for displaying 6x6s. My dad made the posters on the left as a surprise : ) Thanks you guys! I met some great new people as well so all in all a very good day. Off to sleep...
They look great
What a great display! Your husband's stands are ingenious; they look very professional. I was expecting wood- but that would have been bulkier and probably distracting. The posters (as much as I can see) also look great. How lucky you are to have such talented people in your camp.
Great, simple, effective and beautiful display, Kim. Can you believe all you have accomplished?
Your work is fabulous! Congrats on a good day.
The display looks great.... and the racks are ideal ! Your paintings look wonderful grouped together like this. :)
Thanks Kim, I like to see how others display their work at shows. I need ideas for when I do my first one (someday). Glad you had a great day.
it looks wonderful - nice you have such wonderful helpers xxx
Nice, Kim. The table looks very well organized, always a problem when selling small paintings. I have major rack envy! Your husband is very clever. Hope you had a profitable show.
Looks amazing Kim! I love the prints/posters your dad made, what a great idea!
Hi Kim! Congrats to "You" ... and Harry... Great looking display and that's a must on the show circuit!
Hope that the sales were there!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
It looks great! Your husband is talented, also.
I wish I could see all of the posters...more than just a corner. Could you photograph them?
What wonderful racks Kim! Show your paintings off so well.
Good luck with the show.
Everything looks great! Congrats to you. And gee....maybe your husband could make more of these display racks and sell them. :-) I'd bet you'd get a bunch of order!
these do look great, I like the simplicity
Your display table looks just great! Those racks are very nice. I hope that you sell lots!
It was nice seeing you at the show Kim! Your display was very clever and I loved seeing your paintings up-close...they were amazing!:)
wow! delight to see that your work together!
so beautifully displayed!
I wish you much success, dear Kim!
Hi Kim,
Your set up looks gorgeous! Congratulations!
He did a great job on the racks! He should consider making them to sell to other artists! I would buy them.
It looks so beautiful Kim!! And those posters are gorgeous, how awesome!
I was across from you at the show today, we just had a quick hello. My friend who was helping me and I so enjoyed your paintings. We kept noticing different details about them. I loved the Red Shoe poster.
Hoped to see you sometime at another local show.
Thanks everyone! You're all so nice. Yep...it takes a village ; )
What a gorgeous display. Seeing your work all together like that is stunning. You have such a beautiful body of work!
Those displays are perfect...very clean, professional and efficient. Think your hubby might want to sell some of those to other needy Daily Painters? Carol Marine has a link for her panel holders that her husband invented. (hint, hint);)
It looks so beautiful! I wish I could visit you and your work! I would definitely buy one of those stands too!!
Your table looks great!! Hope that the show had a great turnout for you!
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