My trusty zinnias again. So for this one I painted in acrylics. And I think it has quite a different feel! Do any of you regularly switch-up mediums? As I said, I've been painting oils for a year now, but acrylics for many years before that. I definitely have a certain comfort-level with them, but I've really been enjoying oils too. Hmmm....
6"x6" / acrylic on panel / $75
Lovely one, Kim. I started with acrylics, tried oils then went back to acrylics and have now added watercolors. I guess I use which ever medium I'm feeling close to on that particular day. And, when I'm not painting I'm out taking photos to paint from or writing a poem to go with a photo or painting. Hmmmm, sounds busy doesn't it? No wonder I'm so tired.
this one is even better! the vase, the leaves and the zinnias all have been painted exceptionally well!
There IS a different feel from the oil paintings. You have more values in the flowers with this one. And it isn't quite as loose as the oils.
Generally, I love your loose brush strokes, but in the case of the zinnias, I think I prefer this painting. Very nice!
Je ne connais pas le travail à l'acrylique... Je travaille seulement à l'huile. Cependant bravo pour cette belle harmonie de couleurs.
All of the zinnia paintings are nice but this one is my favorite. I love how you have captured the feeling of the individual petals.
I just love this series of zinnia paintings! I definitely couldn't pick a favorite.
Nice, Kim - and I go back and forth between the two, and I love both for different reasons. I just sold a Zinnea painting done in acrylics, and it was hard for me to let it go! I love both mediums!
Lovely piece Kim. I really like the colour palette. You have a nice painterly style that I enjoy. I started out in oils and then watercolour and now I love acrylics. So immediate and clean to use. Sometimes a challenge in getting soft edges.
Beautiful! I switch between watercolors (my main love) and acrylics.
I haven't tried oils but would love to.
liked this very much!
the colors are excellent!
so beautiful... ;)
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