Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some acorns and a bird

You know how they say if you have to explain a joke it isn't funny? Well, if you have to point out what a painting is....you get the idea! lol I received this elegant little cement bird sculpture from my son today and I absolutely love it! The head is nestled in and you can really "feel" it. I tired to paint it but...hmm. I figured I'd better post a photo of said sculpture.
I had enough time to do a quickie of some acorns my kids picked up on the weekend. This was just loose and bold and very fast. I squinted and got down some values and quick shapes. Fun though!


martinealison said...

Un précieux petit cadeau de vos enfant mis à l'honneur grâce à votre peinture...
Pas simple de peindre des glands. J'aime leurs couleurs...

En ce moment ceux du chêne, tout près de mon atelier, tombent et roulent sur le toit en faisant des petits "toc-toc"...
gros bisous

Celeste Bergin said...

oh now, Kim....I would definitely know that that is a wee bird! no photo explanation necessary--(though it is cute, and I am glad to see what you painted from). Great acorns too--!