Friday, May 31, 2013

Snowball cutting

This is a cutting from our snowball bush. For those of you not familiar with snowball bushes, they have white clusters of blooms that resemble snowballs and are a lot of fun if you're a kid. As I said when I painted them here, our kids pull them off and have snowball fights : )
6"x6" / oil on canvas / $100 (includes free shipping worldwide)


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

Great brushwork!

martinealison said...

Bonjour ma chère amie,
Très heureuse de vous retrouver et aussi de pouvoir faire un petit retour en arrière et admirer vos dernières oeuvres... Une belle écriture que la vôtre.
Ces boules de neige sont sublimes. Je les aime aussi dans le jardin. Dommage que cette année le printemps soit si maussade, elles perdent de leurs attraits.
Une belle peinture.
Gros bisous et bon weekend.

Virginia Floyd said...

I love this one! Great composition. Love the dark shadow and the suggested blooms. Very nice!

Barbara Muir said...

Gorgeous Kim,

I never knew the name before, but now I see them everywhere, and they're so beautiful. You do rock!

XO Barbara

Crystal Cook said...

I love this Kim, I think I already said that on FB, but I do. Something about the way they lie there, like they're just waiting to be torn apart and thrown at boys. :D