If it was a proper salute the coffee would be in the brown paper cup : ) Which reminds me...does anyone prefer coffee from the golden arches over Timmy's? Believe me - I am no great fan of that chain - but I have to call it as I taste it. I think their coffee is far superior! I know - it's almost sacrilegious to say so, but hey - that's my experience. If you don't understand the controversy, well...it's a Canadian thing ; )
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75
Mmm, that looks like a mighty fine donut! Canadian eh? Gotta love that Timmy's!
Blasphemy, sacrilege, heathen, sinner, heretic! . . . kinda feels like being in high school again!
Painting almost sent me over to Timmy's here.
Oh yeah - I remember you wrote that post a while back and you had a GIGANTIC Timmy's mug : )
Ooh, this is making me hungry, no wonder I have diet problems. Did you enjoy this after painting? Great job!
I have seen references to Timmy's in other Canadian artist's blogs. Your answer to McDonalds, eh?
Anyway, this makes me want to run to the pantry and pull out something unhealthy and not on my diet. Thanks, for that!
Hi Carol!
Actually, it's our answer to something like a Dunkin' Donuts. But it seems you can't drive more than a few blocks without running into one : )
I love your use of light. I admire your perspective. You capture the image beautifully. You used the right medium. But your favorable comparison to the swill from Mc Whatevers' sucked.
I have spoken with the goddess of coffees and she has said your penance will be: three Hail Lattes, and a Major Mia Culpa. Following that go to your room and sit in the corner until we call you down for dinner.
Oh, and Carol, Dunkin Donuts is no where near Timmy's. I'd say Timmy's is rather a blue collar Starbucks. A coffee and sandwich for "the Everyman".
You are a brave one to even suggest that McDonald's coffee is better than Tim Hortons. I agree with with Neodad. We will have to have our next coffee at a neutral location. LOL
I must weigh in on what I'm calling Kim's "Coffee Debacle".
Timmy's rules, McYucky's Drools. Simple as that, and as a mature woman with sound reasoning skills, I must point out that if you try to tell me otherwise, I will plug my ears and sing "lalalalalala" until you stop.
(Love the donut in the painting... it looks good enough to make me hungry, dagnabit!)
Okay - but have you taken a blind taste test? I'm just saying you may be surprised...!
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