...and not with joy! Argh! I had this painting blocked in and about 1/3 done when the vase tipped over, sending the flowers spilling out all over the table. Getting them back into position was not going to happen >: ( I thought perhaps I could wing it from there and carried on, but I should have just wiped it down and started over. I guess this is when it would be beneficial to have a few extra paintings done so I could have subbed one in. What do my fellow bloggers do in a case like this? Post or skip a day? On a more positive note, watching Virtue and Moir skate to gold was amazing!
6" x 6" / oil on panel / n/a
I guess that's just the risk of painting from life. I think you made a great stab at it anyway--I'm glad you posted this one. I love the orange/white/blue combination, very nice!
Skip a day :) which I have done before LOL. It is nice to have some back up paintings though too. Things like that happen sometimes, but hey I think it's a really nice painting!
Best wishes!
I hope you can finish this one. It looks great so far. I love the complementary colors. I was very happy for the Canadian ice dancers who won gold. They had a beautiful performance.
Call it a WIP! Just a little joke. Actually, I cannot take the pressure as I have many days I cannot complete a painting. I usually have a week or two of posts ready to go. Is that cheating?
No, it's not cheating - it's smart! I try to work a few days ahead, but then I catch up and am painting day-to-day again. I guess I just have to get a solid week ahead! Thanks for the comments everyone!
Really like the palette in this and in "Sushi anyone?". That Cad Red is so gorgeous next to the turquoise.
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