Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The St. Nicholas Collection ~ No.9

Ceci n'est pas Père Noël by Kim Rempel / acrylic on canvas
This one has a bit of a double joke painted in. And when you know the artist's work, you see it : )) I'll take this moment to wish everyone some peace and joy heading into the next number of days. Go forth with love...
If you're new to this interactive exhibit/game I'm running, the blurb below explains it all. Join at any time!
This painting is from a series on how I imagined modern masters would have portrayed St. Nicholas had they been commissioned to paint his portrait. When I exhibit this series I run it as an interactive show. I have a sheet that people can fill out with the titles running down one side and the painters down another. Viewers are invited to guess which artist inspired each piece. One winner is drawn from all correct answers and they receive a gift ; ) If anyone is ever interested in showing it, email me and we'll set it up! I thought it would be fun to play online. This is the ninth of ten. The title holds a clue. You can answer back in the "Comments" section and I will draw one winner from everyone who correctly answers all ten. And I will send a gift, cause hey - it's a Christmas game! Feel free to tell your friends and have them play along!
Artists: Vincent vanGogh, Andy Warhol, Gustav Klimt, Marc Chagall, Emily Carr, Frieda Kahlo, Paul Gauguin, Jackson Pollock, Rene Magritte, Piet Mondrian


lcr said...

It's Magritte

martinealison said...

Il ne reste que Magritte ?... Je crois que c'est ça!...
Joyeux noël...
Gros bisous

Nicki said...

Rene Magritte.


clever! Magritte