If anyone knows what type of pear this might be, I'd love to hear from you. I thought it was a "comice" but when I did a search, green pears where showing up. It is such a lovely variety! Beautifully shaped and lushly coloured. Completely fun to paint. I did it on a dark backdrop, different from what I usually do, for some
drama! *snap*.
5"x5" / oil on masonite / $75
I've seen these red pears too, and they're truly lovely. I looked them up on Google, and there are numerous varieties of red pears- so that didn't help much with the i.d. Anyway, it's a great subject for a painting, and "pearing" it up with a dark background is very effective.
Very dramatic, for sure! Lovely modeled. Sorry I have no suggestions as to what kind of pear this is. It is beautiful!
Wow! I loves the drama in this Kim!! Just beautiful!
I am a pear nitwit, I got nothing as far as what kind this is:) (I just typed witnit, he he!)
Hi Kim, Je pense que c'est une poire Bartlett. Elle côtoie les poires Comice mais arrivent plus tôt...
En attendant elle me paraît bien appétissante votre poire... Belle réalisation. Bises et bon week-end.
lol! and that background really works, the green offsetting & brightening the red so! all colors so luscious . . . thank you!
Ive never seen a pear like this. Whatever,the colors are fabulous.
wow! great colors!
great shape! ;) wonderful...
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