Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Napolean Slice is Nice - SOLD

So after I painted the previous Napolean painting I had an oil and solvent smell in my nose for what seemed like a day. Yuck. Can't be good. So I decided to work in acrylics for a bit. That Napolean slice was a very seductive thing to paint so I slipped it out of the fridge and did it again. Unfortunately, at the end of two painting sessions under lights the bottom pastry was super soggy so it ended up in the compost bin.
6"x6" / acrylic on canvas / $100 (includes free shipping worldwide)


Sunny Avocado Art said...

Both napoleons are great...can't tell oil from acrylic in this case. Simply yummy both!

Ralph said...

Two marvellous paintings but I would have eaten that after the first one. LOL

Sandra Busby said...

It looks lovely! I'd love to know, which do you prefer working with and which has the better result. Oils or acrylics? :0)

Kim Rempel said...

Thanks : ) Sandra - I would have to say for these small ones, oil. All the way. But for my larger work I prefer acrylics. Kind of funny. But in the studio the oil smell gets to me sometimes. Hmm.