Today was a day of utter frustration. I painted for about 2 1/2 hours and it ended in three wipe-downs. Finally I put everything away, ran out to do errands and then made another attempt when I got home. I only had a small window to work in and had to paint quickly. I grabbed an old palette knife that I haven't picked up in 20 years and took a swing at it. This was the result. I had fun with the knife, I'll definitely try it again. Now that I've viewed it online, I have to laugh - I see a smiling ghost head in the tree line. What's up with that?
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75
I see it too - Evan would say it is a skeleton. SPOOKY!! LOL
It is the painting not the art that is important - can't remember who said that, but I agree.
Happy Hallowe'en.
I see the ghost/skeleton! I wouldn't have seen it without you pointing it out. I love the painting..so fresh--great colors!
Hello there Kim... "What's up with that?"....
Hey!.... it's Hallowe'en Dude!HAHA!! Skeletons and spooks peeking out of everywhere! Why not here???
What's great about your whole effort is your perserverence to not be defeated Kim.
Taking a risk to throw things into a different direction... using a new tool... "shifting gears"... going to the abstract... working small to large.
In so doing... "You" are pushing the envelope and growing in ways that create new directions... and don't pigeonhole you as one kind of artist.
There is energy... a lot of it in your treatment of the foreground area... and yet there is control obvious... thoughtful exploring and all in all... its a terrific... pardon my pun... can't resist... land "escape"!
Good Painting... Happy All Hallows Day to "You",Harry and the Gang!
See you on the 9th!
Warmest regards,
I like a lot!
thank you and happy weekend
Great piece. I enjoy the vibrant and "assumed" rawness of this painting.
Great colors too!
Love the results! You've inspired me to pick up the knife and give it a try. Great transition of color!
Lovely. Funny how that happens, strong right brain!
You nailed it Kim! Glad you didn`t give up! Great things can happen right when it seems hopeless.
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