This is another 36" square painting. This is the one I began last week and then the wind picked up and I lost my reflections. But I continued to work with it in the studio and am pretty happy with the result. I am reading a book about artist
Peter Doig and came to this passage yesterday. It meant a lot to me and I thought I'd share it:
"Mistakes are an essential part of everything I make. Many of the paintings are essentially mistake upon mistake upon mistake. That's how they evolve."
I find that great. And very freeing! Thank you Peter.
Thanks for sharing Kim, wow.
Kim ,this painting is mine if it's for sale. I just absolutely love it. Great work.
This is amazing..I just shared it on my Facebook...Really Great..!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Wow!
Yes ! I agree .... It's really lovely.
I'll have to remember that quote. I love these bigger pieces you're doing - this one especially.
Kim, this is beautiful. I love the reflections. The drizzles in the water are my favorite!
I have been enjoying your natural tendency toward abstraction. This one is very nice. Thanks for sharing the quote...it relevant and an excellent one. I can certainly relate to it.
I love this: the colors in the waters reflection, the energy, all of it -- just fab.
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