Okay - you know how I said Wednesdays piece (above) was a work in progress? Well this is what happened to it! lol. It took on a life of it's own. It's acrylic - thus easy to keep adding washes, scrub, spray etc... I've got to say - I'm glad I went at it and didn't feel precious about possibly wrecking it. It felt good to explore and dig around.
18" x 18" / acrylic on wood
I see more abstraction in your future! I think you must give in to this side more often. I really loved "Holiday Table". It had some really interesting light and shapes going on. Pond Ice is a great piece as well. I will have to look up the work of those artists. I have to admit to not being familiar with their work.
it came out very well Kim. I like it
I really like this piece. The soft tones are just beautiful and the graphic work adds a real punch. You should do more of this!
This is too good and...true!
How many hours do you paint a day? You are so fast!
Le résultat de cette dernière toile est agréable à regarder. les couleurs employées font jaillir une grande sérénité.
Bisous et bon week-end.
Kim, I really like the direction you are taking here. Please try more of this!
The new painting "Pond Ice" is wonderful .... I think you have a real talent for abstract.
And the additions on the reflections came up well. :)
I always enjoy all of your paintings, but this was a complete surprise! I like it and it's great that you can offer something totally different once in a while just to keep us all on our toes!
Love love love it! This is such a great piece. Love the addition of the black lines and all of the layering. Hope to see more Abstract work from you. Have to admit I have a secret yearning to do Abstracts but always fall short. You have a great eye for it!
Love the dramatic lighting in Holiday Table too. That red and orange looks so exciting next to the dark background.
Amazing... nice direction.
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