Today I was painting outdoors and it was a wee bit colder then forecasted! There is still a little left to do here: I need to refine the tones of the tree and alter some of the background colours that are looking splotchy (in the
wrong way). After that, a bit more colour in a few key areas and then I think I'm done. It started out as a pond scene but after an hour I had to abandon that idea altogether because I just couldn't keep my focus. I turned my easel 45˚ and dug in again.
18" x 24" / acrylic on board
Kim - I have a soft spot for birch, and this is truly lovely! Glad the pond scene didn't work out - everything happens for a reason, n'est ce pas? :)
Absolutely gorgeous, what a lively background!
Great recovery, It is looking like a really nice painting!
Doesn't look like it needs much more at all!
I like it very much already. If it was my work, I'd leave it like this.
It's so great to see a w.i.p! It looks fantastic already :0)
Très noble votre bouleau... j'aime tant les arbres... Toucher un arbre vous donne de la force... Bises
Beau travail Kim.
I love it ! ... To me, it looks like a Christmas tree, and the black bits - people, all looking up at it.
Really joyful :)
Hi Kim, I like the stylized feel of this piece. I always love trees as a subject, there is so much you can do with them.
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