My. Look what a custom frame can do : ) My good friends at the
Framing and Art Center in St. Catharines are displaying some of my art for the next month or so. I left the framing up to them and I was *wowed* (yes, it deserves asterisks) when I saw them today. Here they are laying on a work table, but as soon as the display gets hung I will snap a better picture. I must say, they chose gorgeous frames that compliment each painting beautifully. I have saved the image a little larger than usual so that you can enlarge it to get a better view.
They look awesome, Kimmer!
These paintings look fabulous! It is interesting to see what frame was selected to match each painting. They really did a great job.
Yes, they did do a great job with finding the best frame for each painting. Your paintings look great all framed and ready to be hung.
They look fabulous - gotta love the Framing and Art Centre!
Looks great, love the frames!
Very nice!! I will have to go and check out that place! ;)
wow what a great look. here at our arts council we artists are always reminded what a great frame can do for a painting.
so so great...so amazing looks
Très beau travail effectivement... Merci de nous montrez vos chefs d'oeuvre... Bisous
Everybody has said it already, but that was my first thought as well - that a lot of consideration has gone into choosing the best frame for each one - they look fabulous, Kim. :)
These look awesome! (Of course, the great paintings help the frames a lot!!)
Kim, I haven't had a chance to look through the international woman's celebration..I have had visitors from the states...but I hope to check it out this weekend and get back to you.
Hi Kim,
They look fantastic and the framers did a wonderful job of choosing a frame for each individual piece. They really took the subject into account. I can see why you are thrilled.
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