A fine bottle of rosé palling around with 2 (empty) reds. These are bottles from
The Good Earth. I love the colour of the foil around the neck - so unusual yet festive and...yes, I will say it -
pretty! When the lights were shining on the bottles, the rosé gave off the most vivid reflection - really red and juicy.
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75
Those are so pretty Kim. ;) So, wait. . . Is there something wrong with pretty? Cuz I like pretty. Seriously though, it's a fantastic painting Kim. :)
Yes, quite festive! A nice play on complementary red-green.
I love the composition!
Great colors in this painting, Kim. I like the red reflection in the green bottle. The red foil is PRETTY!
Tank you for sharing
I think this is my favourite of your bottle series Kim .... it has that little "extra" sparkle ! :)
Thank you! I must say I enjoyed the addition of the rosé for it's colour. This one was fun!
Oh I love this! I love pretty too, lol! Wow - you know these look so 'real'? The reflections are fantastic! If you lived here in the UK I'd be asking for some lessons from you :0D
Consigues una muy buena sensación de vidrio. Los reflejos están muy bien.
Un saludo.
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