Working with the bottles again. Severe foreshortening. This is where measuring everything against everything else is so crucial. Your eyes can play tricks on you. I have found that the key to success in painting these is to make sure you have lots of contrast in your greens and not to get too "scratchy" with your brush. By that I mean, as always, trying to lay down the proper colour (and more importantly
value!) the first time so that your painting doesn't get overworked. And it's harder than it sounds!
6" x 6" / oil on panel - SOLD
You know that sports commercial where the announcer says, "these guys are good!"... That is what came to my mind when I saw this one. What a difficult painting and you did it so well. Love all the shades of green. Really good job on foreshortening- Thanks for the tips- I like the "scratchy" reference- and the not get overworked part!
Beautifully done Kim!!
I love these bottle paintings Kim! Very interesting and unusual compositions...and it seems to me you always get the right colour the first time ;)
You're becomming a master of green bottles Kim .... this one is absolutely superb in every way. :)
Beautifully painted and explained wish I had been there to help you empty them. Have a great day.
I am trying to think of new words for 'wow', 'fantastic', 'amazing'... It's all I ever seem to say to you!
Really amazing. Looking at the round top of the facing bottle, I am really blown away! Gorgeous, perfect color choices. Just a suggestion of the neck. Well done!
Oh, and I love those geometric shadows!
Hi KIm!... "Crasher" is your best of the bottle battle you have created as of late!
Very dynamic... active composition! Wonderfuly pure and rich colour! Marvelous handling of the foreshortening issues.
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
Your last 2 paintings of the wine bottles are really great, really nice contrast and within the bottles, the greens looks perfect. I really dig the blocks of color on the surface the bottles are sitting on.
Wonderful job with a tough subject and angle. Love the geometric shadows.
Great job Kim!! You have mastered glass and I love the composition of this one. Well done!
wonderful job and great advice, thank you! i love your bottles!
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