I just LOVE this old ornament box filled with vintage silver balls. This is another object from my Dad. The packaging is old, yellowing, and just divine! I marvel that people could keep an original package
with all the ornaments intact for all those years! But I am so happy those people exist. Because these objects are just lovely to look at and fill you with nostalgia.
On a technical note, I have to say that all this daily painting pays off. I guess I'm stating the obvious but I have to say, I
know I wouldn't have been able to paint this subject a year ago. So here's to practicing one's craft...diligence brings rewards : )
6" x 6" / oil on panel / SOLD
Really great, Kin! Lovely colors and reflections. And I agree that your daily practice has allowed you to improve by leaps and bounds!
Beautiful, Kim- and I agree that all the work pays off!
The box of ornaments is perfect- I love the old things that get passed down also.
This is wonderful! I thought "vintage box" the moment I saw this before reading your post. I have some very old boxes too that I keep even though they're empty.
I'm so glad you painted the box and the silver balls. Beautiful.
Beautiful painting, Kim, and I love the subject! And, yes all the practice does pay off. It really is amazing and wonderful, because it is so much fun :-)
These ornaments are wonderful! Great values! And, yes, practice does pay off!
Ces vieilles boîtes font nos souvenirs... Nous autres garderons-nous des boîtes ? peut-être pas car dans le commerce on tente de faire acheter des boîtes en plastique plus pratiques et assorties pour le rangement... alors on jette malheureusement.
Personnellement je conserve... surtout les emballages des décors de noël que nous ressortons chaque année.
Mais pour en revenir à nos moutons! cette dernière toile est encore une véritable explosion de lumière et de couleurs... merveilleuse...
Bisous à vous
Just wonderful...you really caught the look of shiny silver with an economy of strokes. I like the box and love them also. Its fun to see the development over time when you paint nearly everyday!
Wow - This one is just amazing! One of my favorites so far. Absolutely fantastic!
I am always amazed at seeing the vintage ornaments AND boxes too. I think that in our age cheaply priced throwaway goods, we don't appreciated things as much. My mother has boxes of monstrous round ornaments from the fifties that are unbelievably cool and tacky at the same time and still in their boxes.
Great job on this painting. Your dark edges are perfectly placed. It is so true that the more we paint, the more we are comfortable with the paint and know where we are going with it. What a great feeling!
Just Wow!
This is a very confident painting and it shows!
WOW! FABulous job! The reflection and shine is soooooooooo good. This really gave me a nostalgic kick.
This is beautiful and inspiring. Difficult painting that you captured so well with all the highlights and details galore. Inspiring to know that you think you have come so far in just a year. You are truly gifted and this is lovely! Merry Holidays for y'all.
Ya gotta love shiny objects... and these shiny balls are really lovely Kim.
Well it is REALLY lovely.... So congrats on keeping up with the daily painting AND with preserving the nostalgia of the ornaments in a different way!!
oh Kim!!
this is wonderful!!
great work! I loved, very much!
so luminous!! congrats...
a big hug!!
it's brilliant!
I love it, too, Kim. The moment I looked at it, it reminded me of the old boxes of ornaments from my childhood, which were old, even then. Wonderfully painted. Even the beautifully rendered bulbs, themselves, look old.
Merry Christmas,
Beautifully painted Kim !
This is my favourite of all your Christmas decoration pieces.
My parents had some silver balls like this and they kept them in the box from year to year.
Have a very happy Christmas :)
A definite favorite of mine.
Great work! I also enjoyed your top ten list. Plums in pottery bowl and ready to go are wonderful!
Thank you for your diligence!
Nice paintings on this blog....will visit often.
Wow.. really nice! Whenever I see an extremely well painted reflective object I find myself looking for the artist ... is that you reflected in the center ornament?! So glad to have discovered your blog.
diligence does pay off and I love your sketches too.
Nothing like a great drawing!
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