Thanks for your comments about the palette knife paintings : ) So here is another painting with the same dish, from a different perspective, along with some olives from
Casa Toscana. These olives are direct from the owners farm in Tuscany. They are wonderfully meaty and delicious!
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75
Love all these palette knife paintings. They are bold,loose, fun and full of great color. You are good! I want to learn!
J'adore les olives et les oliviers...
OOOOh - I can taste those olives now .... so yummy !
The colours in these last 2 paintings are wonderful, and give a total feel of the subject matter.
Hi Kim!... Very bold... "rugged" and painterly! The knife removes any attempt to get "cute"... and to take the safe route! Nice change!
Good (Palette Knife) Painting
Warmest regards,
I do not like olives but you have made them look like something worth taking time to enjoy
Beautiful! Love the composition and the hints of red in the olives... And the bold and luscious painterly technique. Very cool!
Good one, Kim - I'm thinking of olives, too, these days! When I first saw the painting I thought 'vitamins'! Put on your glasses, Kelley!
I'm loving these last couple of painting you've posted. The texture, colors, and composition are all fabulous. I bet in person those textures are really amazing. Really like the limited color palette. Great job and with a palette knife to boot, fabulous!
I love this painting--the hints of color in all that textured gray! Enjoyed going through your blog. Also love the Flower for Richard painting . . . His work and that book have been such a revelation for me. I will visit often.
It seems all has been said about this painting so I'll just add that I agree and really like this new path you are going on! :-)
Sorry I missed your last couple of posts! I haven't been on for a while as so much going on. Wow - I'm LOVING the palet knife thing! Fantastic! I have never tried it my self - but when I have mastered the brush I will give it a try!!
That painting is FANTASTIC!! Kim, I love the palette knife!! It's so edgy and modern. Just gorgeous :)
Love all of these palette paintings, but this is my favorite. Those warm ochers and deep browns are so gorgeous. I can see why this little jewel sold so quickly!
wonderful browns and warm grays,love the compostition too
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