Since I knew I was going to be at the market all weekend I did an extra painting on Friday so I would have something to post today. This is a sweater tree my husband and I stumbled across in Corning, New York when we were camping this fall. It was the coolest thing! Perfect for a tree-hugger at heart : ) If you're not familiar with sweater trees, they are real trees that some spirited knitters have taken a kinship to and knit sweaters for! You can do an online search and more samples will pop up. This was the first one I had ever seen in real life and it was outside a wool shop ; ) LOVED it.
6" x 6" / oil on panel / $75
ah ... how beautiful!
that wonderful light!
conveys a delightful mood! ;))
Hi there Kim!.... An interesting Tree story!All trees should be treated so graciously!
They're all ready for winter here... snow covered!And "I" love it!!!
Glad that your show went well!
Good Painting!
Warmest regards,
love the sweater tree
...oh and your work too :)
Beautiful colors and effective strokes
Love the idea of the sweater tree since I'm from Vancouver Island! Funny I've never seen one before. Your Market sounds like a lot of fun, and I hope it was a success. I like this new subject matter and the extra texture. Looks great!
Hi Kim ... LOVE the happy 'sweater tree' ! :)
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