New painting

Original painting
Something about this painting (above) never sat right with me. It left me feeling a little cold or formal. Today I warmed it up and I like it. Not sure about the darker horizontal element running through. Perhaps I should lighten it while still keeping it the darker than the wall? Thoughts? I could use some feedback on this one : ) This is done in acrylic and I believe is 24" square.
I think by cooling the background it makes the white really pop out and more warm and more 3d. Before the emphasis was more on the irises because of the purple to yellow background.
I like the warmed up version, especially what is going on with the wall in the upper half. I agree something is not quite right about the horizontal line going through. I would probably lighten it up and see how that affects it. I think you are on the right track (although the first version was pleasing too)
I love the newer edition! It does look more warm, and you did an excellent job with the wall. I love the top part...
Wow, I love the sunny feel to painting no. 2. The yellow definitely makes it less formal. Also, the dark horizontal line seems to balance out the darks of the flowers. The only thing I could think to further balance it out would be to add some rusty background color to the flowers, or add a bit of the purple to the horizontal line.
I like the darker horizontal element, I just like the contrast it provides and it raises my eye up the flowers. I actually like both renditions of the paintings but I'm the biggest sucker for blue and know most people prefer warm paintings.
Well, two very different takes on one subject. If these were photographic images and in my Photoshop workshop, I'd work on the Kelvin colours.
The original would get somewhat warmed and I'd back off on the slider somewhat for the second one. But in the right room no. 2 would look really cozy as is.
You do very nice work and it's so easy to second guess finished product. It's too easy for any of us to over-analyze our work.
I love the new version ... it has a wonderful vintage look about it and the black line supports this look. Perhaps it could be a fraction narrower, without loosing this great feeling. It's a borderline decision here!
Actually I like the horizontal stripe it gives it balance. more like there is a wall there.
I applaud you for being gutsy and redoing it.
J'aimais beaucoup votre ancienne version... En ce qui me concerne j'aurais peut-être foncé le contour gauche de votre fond bleu et ce du haut jusqu'au bord de votre tissu, en exagérant à proximité des fleurs et du vase.
Mais ce n'est que mon avis et si vous le sentez mieux avec ces nouvelles teintes le choix vous appartient ma chère Kim... Bravo dans tous les cas de reprendre une toile, ce n'est jamais aisé. Bisous
I loved this painting!
you used, magnificent colors;
and in my opinion, this line horizontal
is in the right place at the right color!
everything is perfectly balanced
and well put!
great job! ;))
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I want to work it a little bit more....
Lovely painting, Kim. One suggestion would be to add a bit more on the red / orange / yellow side. It might add a bit more balance to the overall effect of blues / purples.
Hope this helps!! -Joe
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