Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
~Jimi Hendrix
Big, open blue skies this afternoon. I had my panel clamped to me easel and all was good. Then when I was carrying my painting indoors a gust of wind blew it from my hand onto my shirt and then onto the ground. It landed half propped on my boot, half on the concrete face down. I picked it up and turned it over with dread and... the spill had actually improved it! lol
6" x 6" / oil on archival panel / $75
So kissing the dirt helped kiss the sky? LOL
Thanks Tam!
Shell - you're not allowed to be that clever at this time of night : )
Oh ! the joys of painting outside... I had an oil painting fall in the sand once.
Thankyou for your love - rly comment on the blog.
I think your whispy clouds are gorgeous :)
I see North America in your clouds...
You have the capability to make a painting out of nothing!
Hi Kim!!!!! :):):):)
(ok that's the last time I'll do that, promise)
I love that sky! Those clouds are just beautiful, I can't believe the drop improved it. You are one lucky girl :) I bet that was fun to paint.
WOW! Love the way your style looks on these clouds. Absolutely gorgeous!
Beautiful cloud study! I'm glad that its fall didn't hurt it; there's nothing like that moment of panic when you drop a wet painting.
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