"I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets."
~Hamlin Garland
6" x 6" / oil on archival panel / $75
Nice! Good job on the foreshortening of the limb. I have trouble with that.
nice job on the drawing. I like your brushwork almost a graphic look.
Actually got goose bumps reading the quote and looking at the painting.
The mood it exceptional.
Hi Kim- really like the starkness of the tree! Nice transition on your colors too.
What a nice quote, Kim, to go with a lovely painting. The sky and tree are my favorite parts!
Thank you very much! I spent a long time on the tree. I like how it turned out. Thinking the orangy swish in the foreground should maybe have more of a magenta hue. Thoughts?
What a gorgeous painting.
Take care,
You have beautifully captured the melancholy of the lone tree.
love the composition of this painting and the colours
I love the drama in this one ! ... the shade of orange / red in the foreground is perfect because as it tends towards the yellow, compliments with the purple in the background. Had it been magenta, the excitement would be lost somewhat..... just my thought about it. :-)
Good one, Kim. I like all the colors you saw in the tree, and of course, the tree itself.
I love the quote, and the painting!
I think you should keep the orange swishy as is. I like it's swishyness, it also goes beautifully with the green. And your tree is fantastic. Your branches are just. . . perfect. It makes me think it's really going to move. BEAUTIFUL!!
I feel like there is a story here Kim...I love the mood you set with color!
Je suis une amoureuse des arbres et je trouve celui-ci particulièrement beau et intéressant. Peinture généreuse...
Je reviendrai me promener sur votre blog.
i love it it makes me want to go out and look at a sunset,though its 4:10.
Lovely.Magistral paintings!
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